Researching the root causes of poor socioeconomic security in single parent and refugee families and conducting any lawful activity necessary, useful, and desirable either alongside or in cooperation with individuals as well as public and private organizations to address these issues and to identify and allocate resources and enhance services to these groups.
Create advocacy programs to inform and educate the public about these underprivileged families. The programs will include sending out ambassadors to raise social consciousness about the cause on a local and global level and to hold fundraising events in order to provide immediate relief and assistance.
Provide education and resources through free lectures, workshops, referrals, support groups, etc., as well utilize social media channels and the Organization’s website to provide research, and access to resources. Additionally, we will work to educate these families about safety and domestic violence in an effort to empower them to find safe housing and child care, which is vital in order for them to improve their socio-economic security.
Assist working single parents and refugee families in becoming financially independent by providing the necessary financial support, mentoring, resources, and education needed for them to find employment or business opportunities.
We realize that multi-generational poverty for these families is not a result of a woman who has made poor choices, but who has suffered unimaginable trauma and continues to provide emotional and financial support for her children. Therefore, Trauma Counseling is a must if we want to break the cycle of generational povert.